


  • 公司: 深圳市祥艺源工艺品有限公司
  • 地址: 宝安区观澜街道庙溪桂花路荣力工业园a栋一楼
  • 联系: 万明燕
  • 手机: 13392870073
  • 一键开店

深圳市新艺源精品制造有限公司创立于2001年,是一家集开发、设计、生产、销售为一体的综合性专业精品制造有限公司。经过多年的不懈努力和执着的追求,现已拥有国内先进水平的精品制造技术,在以往企业发展过程中,结合不同的时代和市场需求,陆续开发、生产和销售了以树脂、锌合金、铅锡合金、铜、水晶、琉璃、实木、木座为材料,集电镀、水晶、琉璃、仿玉、仿古、仿木纹、彩绘工艺为一体的工艺精品产品系列。历经多年,公司聚集了一批专业的设计师、生产工程师、高素质的管理人员和营销人员。在时代的大潮中新艺源精品大阔步走向市场,服务了诸如国防部、酒泉卫星发射中心等等一个个国内政府部门和大公司,并以不断创新的产品,赢得广大客户的青睐和称赞。 传承传统文化,创作时代经典,提升生活品质,和谐优美生活是我们公司的愿景。 真诚合作,恪守信用是我们公司的经营理念。 信誉,质量保证 是我们公司的服务宗旨。 艺无止境,源于创新是我们公司的发展方向。 在以后的岁月里,面临机遇与挑战,深圳新艺源公司愿与各位同仁、各位朋友、各位新老客户继续真诚合作,携手并进,共创辉煌,取得双赢。

New source of fine arts Shenzhen Co., Ltd. was founded in 2001, is a development, design, production and sales of integrated professional quality Manufacturing Co., Ltd.. After years of tireless efforts and persistent pursuit, and now owns domestic advanced level of quality manufacturing technology, the process of enterprise development in the past, with different times and market demand, continue to develop, manufacture and sales of resin-, zinc alloy, lead tin alloy, copper, crystal, glass, wood, wood blocks for the material, set electroplating, crystal, glass, imitation jade, antique, imitation wood, painting process as one of the craft boutique products. After many years, the company gathered a group of professional designers, production engineers, quality managers and marketing personnel. Tide of the times the source of new fine arts major stride toward the market, services such as Department of Defense, the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, and so one by one national government departments and large companies, and innovative products to win customers favor and praise. "Transmission of traditional culture, creating the classic era, improve quality of life, harmony and beauty of life" is our company's vision. "Cooperate in good faith, abide by credit" is our company philosophy. "Credibility first, quality assurance" is our service tenet. "Arts endless, from innovation" is our company's direction. In later years, faced with opportunities and challenges, Shenzhen Xinyi source companies willing to work with colleagues, friends, old and new customers continue to sincere cooperation, hand in hand, create brilliant, win-win.



  • 主营: 深圳树脂工艺品加工,深圳金属工艺品销售,仿古铜工艺品供应
  • 地址: 宝安区观澜街道庙溪桂花路荣力工业园a栋一楼
  • 联系: 万明燕
  • 手机: 13392870073
  • 邮箱: 2363482036@qq.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 53337 次

